
Loosing weight along my life's journey.

Monday a new day a new beginning, stepping away from the cliff. November 26, 2012

Filed under: General — loosingitmyway @ 9:00 pm

Well it is Monday, after a weekend of too much time in the car, too little exercise, too little water, and eating too many sweets we start anew. After a morning of thinking of excuses to not eat right or exercise I did get a walk in with the dogs today over lunch. YEH ME!!What a struggle. I mean I was tossing around ideas like, ” I can wait till next week and start new again once the kids have moved and there is n more junk food in the house.” Along with “why try during this holiday time I am just setting myself up to fail.”  Then I seen the “New Day” statement on Facebook, it gave me inspiration.

But the real lifesaver for me today was a blog written titled “300 Pounds Down”  called ” The Cliff”. How dieting can be as if  you are standing at the edge of a cliff and you could fall off at any time or step back and save yourself. After my weekend of eating the wrong foods, not exercising, and not drinking enough water… I was at the cliffs edge verbally giving myself reasons to fall…. she saved me today. I thank God for her words of inspiration.



One Response to “Monday a new day a new beginning, stepping away from the cliff.”

  1. What a blessing you are!!! I am so amazed by how you have taken that inspirational “New Day” statement and your self awareness of those reasons to fail and turned it all around. I know how hard it is. I really do. I know it is tough to break out of that once you’ve eaten a few things and gotten off track. But I know you can do it!! And once you stay ‘clean’ for about 4 days or so it does get easier!!!! I am here for you!

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